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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 11/27/06
November 28, 2006

Selectmen Meeting Minutes
November 27th, 2006

Present:  M. Genest, R. Haggett, and B. Pratt

Also in attendance: W. Prokop, M. Chauncey, B. and C. Bothelo, R. Edmunds, B. and J. Fluhr, J. Cook

The selectmen opened the meeting at 7:00 P.M.

The selectmen approved the minutes of the November 20th meeting.

The selectmen asked M. Chauncey if he wanted to address his concerns to the board at this time. He expressed his concerns about the lack of follow up by the Road Agent and the Town Administrator regarding the culvert and drainage work that needed to be done near his home on Bridle Path Road. He mentioned that he brought this to the attention of the Road Agent and Town Administrator in June of 2005 and the work was not acted on until a few months ago. He understood that the Town did have some flooding problems in the fall of 2005 but he was told by the Town Administrator that the work on his road would be taken care of and it wasn’t until recently. This shows him that the Town is not being run properly and that there is need for improvements. He went on to say that the work that has recently been performed is substandard, old fashion and does not address the modern ways to maintain roads. He felt that the town needed to have a written policy on culvert and drainage maintenance and that the Road Agent and his crew should be required to follow it. He expressed concern for the lack of siltification and wetlands impact that is occurring by our old fashion methods of culvert cleaning and maintenance. He knows its been done this way for over 50 years but there are more modern ways to manage it. We should not be letting water from culverts run directly into our ponds and streams; we should not be diverting runoff onto private property and in some case knocking down stone walls. He pointed out how well the state annually maintains routes 9, 202, and 31 and uses modern “Best Management Practices” and that we should be following the states example and policy. It was pointed out to him that there could be a substantial cost to implement all the suggestions that he has made. M. Chauncey feels that our roads are in poor condition and that this should be a concern of the selectmen and that a written policy should be developed. The selectmen agreed to look into this and review it with the Road Agent. M. Chauncey would like to have a copy of the policy when it is ready.

M. Chauncey then express his concern regarding youth actions of damaging property, spray painting buildings, and painting obscene drawings on town roads, specifically the intersection of Elm Avenue and Smith Road. He feels that our police department is not handling it properly and wants to know why we don’t have 24/7 coverage as we use to have. It was explained to him that we never have had 24/7 coverage and that prior to 2005 we had “on-call” coverage, and used mutual aid, and state police to cover when it was, and is needed. He was informed that the police department is doing the proper investigation into the damages. M. Chauncey asked if Chief Feyrer was on a “probation period” and who was responsible for reviewing him. The selectmen advised M. Chauncey that Chief Feyrer was not on probation and that they and the Town Administrator are responsible for his performance reviews.

M. Chauncey asked why the Town is considering selling the parking lot between Antrim Video and the Red building on Main Street. He felt that this could be used as the Library Parking lot, and since he donated the gravel for that parking lot it should remain the Town’s property and not be sold for $1.00. He was informed by the selectmen that the Town is not considering selling it and that this was voted on at the last Town meeting. M. Chauncey than express his support for the Recreation Departments funding request, particularly for activities and programs for teenagers. M. Chauncey thanked the selectmen for their time.

The selectmen met with the property owners of Bryers Lane to explain the finalization of the Betterment Program for Bryers Lane. The total cost of the program is $111,348.00 this includes all engineering, legal, and construction cost. This means that each property owner is liable for $12,372.00, their share of the total cost. The interest rate will be 5.10% and will be fixed for up to a 10 year period. A lien will be filed on each property until the “Betterment” is paid off in full. The Town will begin billing as of January 1st, 2007 and billing will be quarterly with the water and sewer billing. The quarterly cost will be $395.49 including interest. Any property owner may pay off this debt without any prepayment penalty. However, late payments will be treated as regular tax liens and will be charged interest accordingly. Each property owner will be required to execute a Warranty Deed that will turn their one-ninth share of the roadway over to the Town. Once this is done, Bryers Lane will become a Class V. road and will be fully maintained by the town. The property owners present had a few questions that were answered by the selectmen. The property owners thanked the Board of Selectmen for following through on the Betterment Program. They will all review the warranty deeds given to them and will execute and return them to the Town Administrator as soon as possible.

The selectmen reviewed the draft bridge report from Quantum Engineering Consultants, and will develop a repair and replacement program as recommended. They asked the Town Administrator to submit the applications to the NH DOT for a preliminary estimate of bridge aid.

The selectmen discussed the need to appoint a Chairperson for the Open Space Committee. The Town Administrator will seek out a volunteer and will report back to the selectmen.

The selectmen noted a correction in the previous minutes, regarding the stipend for the Fire Chief, it should be $2,000.00 per annum and not $1,000.00. It is allocated one-half to the Fire fighters payroll and one half to the ambulance payroll.

The selectmen did an overall review of the budget and will begin meeting with departments that need to have adjustments made to the budget.

The selectmen voted to appoint Donna Hanson as Acting Town Clerk/Tax Collector. This appointment is done to cover the time Mary Hammond, Town Clerk/Tax Collector, is out on a medical leave of absence.

The selectmen reviewed general correspondence and approved payroll and A/P for the week.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

The next meeting is scheduled for 12/04/06.
The current agenda is: 7:00 p.m. –General Budget review and discussion.